Equipment Hire

This agreement is between Stoney Cove Diving Centre and the Hirer of scuba/snorkelling/swim equipment.

As the hirer I acknowledge:

  • receipt of the equipment and that:
  • before use, the equipment will be subject to the pre-dive/pre-use safety checks as set by my training association e.g. BSAC, PADI etc;
  • the equipment can only be used by a suitably certified and competent scuba diver/snorkeller/swimmer OR a scuba diver/snorkeller/swimmer who is receiving the appropriate level of instruction and/or supervision;
  • should the equipment be lost/damaged I may be responsible for any costs;
  • Stoney Cove and its employees and owners shall not be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death or other damages resulting from the use of this equipment;
  • these conditions apply to any third party using the equipment.


  • If the hirer is an unqualified diver/snorkeller, the appropriate certification of the qualified person taking them in the water must be presented.
  • The hirer’s copy of this agreement must be presented on return of the equipment, any deposits/qualification records will then be returned.

By hiring a DPV I acknowledge:

  • The DPV given to me is in working order
  • I will be responsible for any damage caused to the DPV
Sign Here
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